New Snapchat update

January 29, 2015
Snapchat recently updated their picture-sharing app. The update includes a multi-media option to view promotions for certain television networks including CNN, Comedy Central, Cosmopolitan, Daily mail, ESPN, food network, Nat Geo, People, Vice, and Yahoo! News. The update also doesn’t show the former “Best Friend” feature which shows who each user sends pictures, or “snaps” to the most.
Aside from all the new features, the app has a new format and camera-interaction interface. There now features a little ghost (snapchat’s logo) at the top of the camera. When you click on the ghost, it gives you access to who added you, action to add friends, and you can go to your contacts. You can also get help and have access to your settings.
You can still see people’s snapchat stories, and everything else stayed the same except for the “Best Friend” feature. The CEO of snapchat said he eliminated the “Best friend” feature because a few high-profile users wanted to keep their usernames private. Snapchat CEO said the “Best friend” feature will be back, but in a different form.