Howdie Sydney Scott!
Sydney Scott
January 31, 2015
Sydney Scott is a junior and has many interests, including softball and volunteering. The Wrangler sat down with her to talk about her busy lifestyle and plans for the future.
The Wrangler: Tell me about yourself.
Sydney Scott: I play softball outside of school as well as in school. I have been playing for 9 years. Other than that, I am a part of Fort Bend Service League and we do service projects all the time, so I am always busy.
The Wrangler: What began your interest in softball?
Scott: My dad played baseball, and I wanted to play a sport when I was little. It was between soccer and softball, and I didn’t want to run all the time, so I chose softball.
The Wrangler: What is your favorite part of playing softball?
Scott: My favorite part of playing softball is probably the feeling of a team, that you get to be close to teammates and that you are surrounded by basically another family. You have someone you can rely on outside of your own family, you can rely on someone from your team. You really have a team camaraderie, and that’s really my favorite part.
The Wrangler: What do you want to do with your softball career after high school?
Scott: I want to play in college, which really only lasts for 4 years because there is nothing after the college level, because people tell me what a great opportunity it is and how it is a great experience.
The Wrangler: What colleges are you considering?
Scott: Southwestern University, which is just outside of Austin, Dartmouth, and also Harvard. Southwestern is my #1 choice, which is actually smaller than this high school, but I don’t want a huge school where I will be crowded by people. I also feel like the professors will pay more attention to me, and will be concerned with more than keeping their jobs.
The Wrangler: What sparked your interest in volunteering?
Scott: I have always enjoyed helping others, and I like to see the smiles on peoples faces after you’re done helping them, it just brightens my day. Also, a lot of my friends do it with me, so I get to enjoy time with friends along with helping others.
The Wrangler: Do you think you will continue to volunteer for years to come?
Scott: Definitely! I love doing it. It’s a great experience, and I love being able to work with little kids or adults who are in need of help.
The Wrangler: What is the hardest part about maintaining a busy schedule?
Scott: Time control is definitely a big factor. Managing my time is really hard. I have to have a slotted time for my homework and a slotted time for school. I just have to have my time planned out before everything gets caught up and starts to stress me out more.
The Wrangler: How has junior year been so far?
Scott: It met my expectations. Everyone warned me that junior year is hard, but I make time for everything I am doing, and I understand that school is supposed to be hard. Junior year is junior year. It’s hard, but at the same time it’s exciting.
The Wrangler: Thank you, it was nice meeting you!