Howdie, Carson McManus

Carson McManus, a senior at George Ranch, has found his calling in sports, specifically football and baseball.   He also excels in his academics; an Honors student as well as president of the National Honors Society.  The Wrangler sat down with him to ask a few question about the duties of being a student-athlete.

The Wrangler: When did you start playing football?
McManus:  I started playing football when I was 7 for the Pecan Grove Hurricanes.

The Wrangler: How has football impacted your life and how has it formed connections?
McManus: Football has taught me many things in life such as be the leader and be tough no matter what. It has helped me establish some of my closest friendships in life.

The Wrangler: What challenges does football pose when trying to complete schoolwork?
McManus: Football is extremely time consuming and tiring. By the time I finish practice and get home, I have little to no motivation to start or complete schoolwork because I’m so tired.

The Wrangler: How has being a student athlete prepared you for the future?
McManus: Being a student athlete has prepared me for the future in the sense that it has taught me time management and how to balance my schedule so that I can keep straight A’s in school while staying fit for football.

The Wrangler: What do you feel when you step on the field to represent your school?
McManus: I  feel extremely privileged and blessed to represent George Ranch. Not all have the ability to say they can play football for such an incredible school.

The Wrangler: How do you see football impacted you in the future?
McManus: I see football being influential in my future. Especially for college right now since there are schools that contact me for football and my grades.