Howdie, Max McGhee!

Meet Max McGhee, a senior at GRHS! A member of the wrangler had a chance to interview him about his love of martial arts.

The Wrangler: What do you like to do for fun max?

McGhee: “I do all kinds of stuff, I make music, I read a lot of comic books, and I do a lot of martial arts.”

The Wrangler: How long have you been doing martial arts?

McGhee: “I’ve been doing it since eighth grade, but I started doing it seriously for about eight months now.”

The Wrangler: How have martial arts affected your life?

McGhee: “I am now the rawest man alive”

The Wrangler: What got you started in martial arts?

McGhee: “A combination of Mortal Cobat and Naruto”

The Wrangler: Who would win in a fight, Chuck Norris or Godzilla?

McGhee: “That’s life’s true question isn’t it? I’m going to go with Godzilla.”