Dry Erase Boards Vs. Interactive White Boards
In the beginning, there were cave walls, then there were stones, then chalk boards, and now in the modern classroom today; white boards and interactive white boards (IWB) such as Promethean boards and SMART boards. These leaps in teaching presentation have progressed the ways of learning; however, some methods are better than others. In this case, white boards are superior to IWB.
IWBs are more modern than white boards; and white boards may be following the chalk board down the path of extinction; however, this is a mistake. IWBs rely on technology; technology is not known to be completely reliable and is notorious for failing in critical times. Admittedly, these flaws are not enough for this advanced learning device to be disqualified from the race. IWBs’ access to the internet and Microsoft are huge advantages. What drags this competitor down are the little flaws.
Teachers are constantly having to recalibrate their IWB; even if the calibration is off by a centimeter, it can greatly affect the IWB. If not calibrated, the writing will be off centered and the button options are mischosen.
Also, when the projector moves itself, this can be a frustrating challenge. The image is distorted and once again calibrations must be made.
Another hindrance is when going back and forth from the stylus pen or mouse. Each time transferring from one job to another, a whole process of going through settings and choosing which is the desired function has to be done. Several times, the board does not understand the first time and the command must be repeated.
All of the IWB’s little details can get confusing, especially for people who aren’t use to working with it frequently. Teachers have to take classes on how to use the board and even they sometimes have problems. A substitute teacher, who hasn’t been adjusted to the IWB has an even harder time, and teachers usually leave work behind that doesn’t need to use the tool.
When using a white board, there are basic functions and basic tools to fulfill these functions. There are a dry erase board, dry erase markers and an eraser. The eraser can be special for dry erase boards or it can be a normal cloth, Kleenex, or paper towel. The only challenge of the dry erase board is the specific qualifications of the marker being used, and the possibility of it running out. However, unlike a IWB’s stylus which can suddenly stop functioning, dry erasers have the innate ability to become fainter, signaling its death. This gives the user time to prepare and get a new one. The dry erase board is uncomplicated with basic abilities: to write and erase. It is reliable and free of technological glitches. All ages are capable of using it, allowing substitute teachers to be able to teach just as well as the real teacher and not be confused with unfamiliar buttons and notches.
Interactive white boards may be technologically advanced; however, as a learning tool, it is not as good as the old fashioned dry erase boards. Though dry erase boards can’t do intricate things such as show a video or use the internet; it still gets the job done without the possibilities of suddenly turning off. Dry erase boards might be going extinct, but Interactive White boards are the ones that can actually die.
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