Howdie Nafi Ba
Nafi Ba is a not only a senior this year, but she is the Lieutenant Colonel of the Lariettes. Let’s take a look into her life.
Nafi Ba
September 29, 2021
The Wrangler: What or who inspired you to become a Lariette ?
Ba: If we are being honest, I truly just did not want to be in P.E. anymore but once I joined the dance team, I realized that dancing is something I truly enjoy.
The Wrangler: What are you looking forward to the most this year as a Senior Lariette?
Ba: I am looking forward to Senior Week because I would love to see what the team has planned for us.
The Wrangler: What is one of your favorite memories from high school so far?
Ba: I enjoy going to the pep rallies because I love seeing and performing for everyone.
The Wrangler: Which staff member has inspired you through your high school life?
Ba: Mrs. Suey and Ms. Torres have both inspired me because of the great advice they give me, and they are their whenever I need to talk to them.
The Wrangler: What is your favorite school subject?
Ba: My favorite school subject is history because I enjoy learning about the past and how it has evolved to where we are today.
The Wrangler: What is your favorite thing to do when you are not in school?
Ba: I like to work and volunteer at Chuy’s. I am a host there because I like making money and interacting with people. I also enjoy volunteering at Common Threads because I like to organize clothes and toiletries to give back to people, and it helps me be more gentle to those I work with on the Varsity Dance team.
The Wrangler: What is your favorite school subject?
Ba: My favorite school subject is history because I enjoy learning about the past and how it has evolved to where we are today.
The Wrangler: What do you plan to do after high school?
Ba: I am planning to attend college to become a psychiatrist because mental health is easily neglected, and I want people to come talk to me just like I had teachers who were always available to talk to.
The Wrangler: What is your goal in life?
Ba: My goal in life is to live a happy life with family and money.
The Wrangler: What is the best piece of advice that has been given to you?
Ba: “Good things are going to happen.” My grandfather always said this to me during tough times, and it always kept me going.
The Wrangler: What is the best piece of advice would you give to future GRHS students?
Ba: Live in the moment. High school goes by very quickly, so you do not want to miss a single moment.