George Ranch All State Choir 2021
This year choir has really shown COVID-19 who is boss.
Rachel Lafferty and Hannah Rice both made the 2021 Texas All State Choir.
January 29, 2021
This year despite COVID-19 the George Ranch Choir participated in TMEA All State Choir Auditions. All State is a state-level competition for all high school students. There are four different rounds of auditions and only a select few will continue through each round. Each section, like Soprano 1s and Tenor 2s, is judged individually and only the top people will make the next round. Districts, Region, PreArea, and Area are the different stages of the auditions. Each round there is a different set of sheet music presented to both the men and women. The sheet music that is assigned to each round is challenging; with it being in a different language, have a weird rhythm, or having weird notes.
But with COVID-19 the auditions were a little different. This year it was virtual so each participant had to submit an online recording on this music platform. Instead of the cuts getting released that day, they were released a week in advance so each person had a chance to get the perfect recording. After a week, the submissions closed and the judges would listen to all of the recordings and you would know the following day. This was repeated for all of the different auditions.
Each choir member had their own experiences this year with the new auditions.
“Some student have benefited from the process because they can record until they get the best recording. Some students however are better under pressure and a live audition would have been better,” Mr. Williams, the choir director said.
This year the choir director was hoping for at least one All-Stater. It has been a total of five year since George Ranch has had someone make the all-state choir. In the school’s history, we have only had a total of three people making the all-state choir. In 2015 there were two people that made the Treble All-State choir. In 2017, there was one person who then also made the Treble All-State choir.
We not only had one but two All-Staters this year. Hannah Rice is a junior and she made the treble choir.
” I was shocked! I felt good about my audition, but to see my name next to the words “All-State” was surreal. It’s a huge honor and I am still ecstatic. Really it is honestly all thanks to my choir director Mr. Williams and my vocal coach Ms. Frnka. Both of them have been incredibly supportive and helpful throughout my journey. I honestly couldn’t have done it without their support and the support of everyone who cheered me on. Singing can be incredibly frustrating and it’s hard not to be hard on yourself, but it’s what I love to do and what I’m passionate about, and I’m so honored to have made it here after hours of practice and tons of support.
Rachel Lafferty a senior made the Mixed All-State choir. Rachel Lafferty was the first student at George Ranch to make it in the mixed choir.
“It was honestly pure shock, I read the message at least six times before it even sank in. This has made my life better, honestly without Williams pushing me to go to for top five, I never would have even dreamed of being a music major,” Lafferty said.
The mixed choir is the hardest All-State choir to get into. Not only did she get into the mixed choir but she made second chair. Meaning that she is the second-best Soprano 1 in all of Texas. Having the title of an All-Stater gives a person a huge advantage when applying to colleges. Colleges crave All-Staters in their programs because it shows how musically talented they are.
“It takes dedication, lots of practice, time, confidence, and talent. You really have to be dedicated and focused,” Mr. Williams said.
This year there was a total of forty-two students who auditioned. Forty of those students made Districts, thirty-two made Region with twenty-five of them placing it into the mixed choir and seven into the treble choir. Ten students went on to make PreArea and advanced to Area. Then finally we had two students who placed into the All-State choirs.
We are very proud of the perseverance choir has shown this year considering the circumstances. We cannot wait to see what else they accomplish this year and the years after!