Take time to be thankful
Take a moment today to remember
Tijl Vercaemer from Gent, Flanders #Belgium), CC BY 2.0
The Poppies wave to help us remember the sacrifice of so many.
November 11, 2020
We are living in a time where not much makes much sense. With the politics, economics, and all the other “ics” out there everywhere it is sometimes difficult to remember what is real, and really important.
Today there is a moment coming when we can stop for a moment, at 11:00 a.m., in silence, in the midst of all of the noise, and remember the brave and courageous men and women who have died over the many long years in the pursuit and defense of our liberties and freedoms. We do not give them the time they deserve to rightly and properly pay them their just tribute, but we can voluntarily rest our daily weapons of war for a fleeting moment to give honor to those who, for our sakes, could not until they were forced to forever be still.
On this day, let us also remember the brave and courageous frontline men and women, of numerous disciplines, who have lost their battles against COVID-19 for those they were able to save.
The poem In Flanders Fields was written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, a Canadian army doctor during World War One. It helps us remember those who lost their lives.