The Importance of Love Languages Now

Protests and Pandemics and Quarantines, oh my! Do you feel like you need a way to express love to yourself? Check out these love languages that can help you with just that!

Triptie Jha

How can you be grateful for something when you can’t accept, let alone appreciate it? We must acknowledge the support our temple gives us daily.

The coronavirus has caused the majority of people to change their daily routines, including the chance to interact with family, friends, classmates, and coworkers. With the lack of communication carrying on for over six months now, many have lost themselves in this process.

According to a Kaiser Family Foundation Poll, “A federal emergency hotline for people in emotional distress registered more than 1,000 percent increase in April compared with the same time last year.”

This is the fact that caught Dr. Gary Chapman’s attention and made him want to share his popular theory, “The 5 Love Languages.”

Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.

Although commonly used in relationships, it’s even more common than people forget to do these things for themselves. Here are multiple tips and examples on how to use these languages to practice self-care and self-love.

#1. Words of Affirmation

This is simply defined as uplifting words in any spoken or written manner that make you feel respected and appreciated.

It’s so pertinent to be kind to yourself during a troublesome time like this. Words of affirmation can be practiced by complimenting yourself on your achievements and accomplishments.

Even reminding yourself of your favorite things about you allows a positive space within awful circumstances. A helpful thing to remember is to stop the negative cycle of tearing yourself down.

#2. Acts of Service

Taking care of yourself by doing something that makes you feel delighted eases the burdens going on in your personal life.

Acts of service can be practiced by cooking your favorite food by yourself or cleaning your living space. You can also take the time to organize a schedule for your week, keeping your mind uncluttered. A tip to further assist with your daily life is to ask yourself: “What jobs am I aware of that will provide me with pleasure once they are completed?”

#3. Receiving Gifts

Receiving gifts from loved ones is not uncommon, but what about for yourself?

If you love to give thoughtful gifts, buy something for yourself that is meaningful, or just makes you happy. This doesn’t mean you have to splurge on a new car, incorporating this love language into your life can start with little things.

For example, actually pressing the checkout button and treating ourselves to what’s in our virtual shopping cart (be wary of impulsive shopping though, that satisfaction only lasts for so long!).

#4. Quality Time

Quality time with ourselves may seem like an odd concept, is very nourishing for your soul.

It’s important to remember to slow down and relax, be protective over your time, and know when to say no to outings.

It can be as simple as taking a day off from the Internet. Activities revolving around this language can also be: resting, meditation, yoga, or even reading a book. All of these activities are extremely beneficial to personal development.

#5. Physical Touch

Connecting with your body by practicing mindfulness can make you feel so refreshed!

You have to relieve pain from your body to maintain a stress-free internal environment. Some daily pleasures that come with this love language consist of baths with candles, or going to the spa for a massage. If you feel that you need a longer time with physical touch, you can invest in quality bedding that makes you feel safe and comfortable.

COVID-19 has struck the world in multiple ways, causing stress and tension in the majority of US households.

According to CNN, “The death toll [in America] from the pandemic has reached nearly 200,000, [causing] families to endure the pain of losing loved ones.”

Outside of dealing with death, it’s common for people to lose the close bond of family and friendships because everyone is staying in their own space. Isolation can cause anxiety, stress, loneliness, and depression. Taking care of yourself is more important now than ever, so make an effort to understand what language works best for you.

If you are confused about what your specific love language is during this time of need, you can always go to “The 5 Love Languages” website to help you navigate which specific one is for you!