Tropical Storm Beta Surges in Fearing High Tides to Galveston and Tiki Island Residents

Just around 8:00 AM on September 21, 2020, Tiki Island and other Galveston residents experienced the high tides from incoming Tropical Storm Beta.

Tiki Island member Via Facebook

Tiki Island resident shares an image of flooding caused by the high tides. This image was saved via Facebook.

By Olivia Raymond, Editor

Tiki Island residents are currently facing the increasing tide levels due to Tropical Storm Beta’s surge. A few Tiki Islander’s have shared images of the tides rolling over and slowly flooding their docks and now nearing the bulk-heads.

Now, as most bay houses are made to withstand flooding and avoid damage, most properties should remain safe.

Piers and docks will definitely go through it, since Galveston residents have already witnessed the damage made to the 61st Pier
off of 61st street in Galveston, Texas. Galveston and Tiki Island Residents are locking down, and hoping for this awful surge to go back where it belongs.

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