RBG’s Death Sparks An Enflamed Controversy
After complications from cancer, Trump struggles to find a suitable replacement.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg posing for a picture a few months before her death.
September 24, 2020
There is much controversy over Trump’s decision to replace RBG, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Early September 2020 Ginsburg, a Supreme Court Justice, passed away at the age of eighty-seven. Ginsburg was thought of as one of the most liberal of the Supreme Court justices, and now that the seat is vacant there is a chance for the president, Donald J. Trump to secure his legacy by appointing a Supreme Court Justice that will lean more on the conservative side of politics.
A Supreme Court Justice has retired or has passed away near Election Day twenty-nine times. Of those times, ten have had the presidency and the senate as part of the same political party, and of those ten nearly all have been confirmed and appointed. This is important, because RBG’s final words to her granddaughter were to not let the current president to choose her replacement. This is an issue, as there are no witnesses to this statement, no written documents and no recordings of the conversation. This than becomes a “hearsay” statement with no proof to back it up. Because there is no evidence of the conversation taking place, Trump is likely to request a new Supreme Court justice, and the question is, Who?
Trump is set to announce his pick for the vacant seat September 26. Democrats in the senate have already stated that they will not confirm the candidate the president puts forward. There is a problem with this, as the democrats are the minority in the Senate. It will take a simple majority for the confirmation to go through. It all depends on who the president puts forward, and what they stand for.