Deaf team captain brings the team to victory
A deaf football player is elected team captain and does more than just cheer on the players.
Holmes going in for a tackle allowing his team mate to run down the filed to the in zone and score.
December 17, 2019
A recent team player is getting praised for his nomination of team captain.
Seventeen-year-old, Devin Holmes was born deaf and plays for the football team at Bloomfield High School in Michigan. He rules the field with his magnificent ability to communicate with the whole team by using sign language. Due to his inability to hear, Holmes’s team learned sign language in order to exchange signs throughout the game.
His coach, Dan Loria, has an interpreter to communicate with Holmes and is amazed by his quick learning and positive vibes he gives.
Loria states, “I didn’t name him captain because he’s deaf. I named him captain because the kids rally around him like nothing I’ve ever seen before.”
Holmes is overwhelmed with the support he receives from his teammates and is super grateful for the extreme measures they go through to make him feel comfortable. Since the team learned ASL for Holmes it keeps him focused throughout the game and makes it easier for him to learn new skills.
When Homles isn’t playing on the field he is on the sidelines boosting the team’s confidence and spreading his light. Holmes’s mother appreciates what the team has done for him and shares the love he has for the team.
“He’s such a hard worker and he’s determined to fight any challenges,” Ms. Holmes said.
Holmes is coming up on his last season of high school football, but he plans to continue his career in college for the team of Gallaudet. Holmes shares his anxious thoughts about joining a new team and creating fresh bonds while at the same time, stoked to further his football career.