Howdie Sandra Isiguzo!
Sandra is a senior who has worked really hard to get this unique opportunity shadowing medical professionals.
Sandra Isiguzo is a senior that aspires to practice medicine
October 30, 2019
The Wrangler: How did you get into advanced practicum?
Isiguzo: Last year, I saw an opportunity to apply to the Clinical Rotations class. I had to go through an extensive interview process where I had to dress professionally, create a resume, and talk about myself and my experiences. Through that application process I was granted the opportunity to be in the Clinical Rotations class. The following year, which would be this year, the same opportunity arose, but this time there was pressure because this is the first year this class would exist.
The Wrangler: What do you do in this class?
Isiguzo: In this class, I intern at a functional medicine doctor’s private practice. I go off campus during sixth and seventh period, sit in on her consultations, and usually take notes and ask her questions. We present what we learn every two weeks during mini rounds and we do lots of medical-oriented presentations.
The Wrangler: How has it benefited you so far?
Isiguzo: I am honestly completely grateful for this opportunity because I’ve learned so much just from this first and second six weeks. I’ve witnessed procedures firsthand and I have the opportunity to learn from someone who genuinely enjoys what she does. I’ve seen a bullous pemphigoid, which is something most people only see in exams or textbooks. I’ve learned about Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I’ve seen the inside of an ear with scarring from chronic ear infections and so much more.
The Wrangler: What do you like and dislike? Why?
Isiguzo: I love the environment at the office; everyone makes sure that every time I leave I have learned something new. Every other week, as a class, we present what we learn in our different rotations and I love hearing what other people in my class have learned. The only thing I dislike about the class is that it’s three periods long and we‘re not allowed to be off campus for all three periods.
The Wrangler: What has been your favorite part?
Isiguzo: My favorite part is seeing how everything I’ve learned connects. I’m concurrently enrolled in Pharmacology and I’ve previously taken Medical Terminology, Anatomy & Physiology, Health Science, AP Psychology, and my Clinical Rotations class. In those classes, I’ve learned a multitude of things that I have actually been able to apply outside of the classroom and into the real world. It’s such a fulfilling feeling because you know that you’re not just learning a bunch inapplicable stuff.
The Wrangler: Why did you decide to continue into this class?
Isiguzo: I love healthcare and I’ve been very passionate about it, so being able to get experience and learn what happens in the real world was simply an opportunity I couldn’t let pass by me.
The Wrangler: Since you are in this class, will you continue to study medicine in college? If yes, what and where?
Isiguzo: I absolutely love medicine. There’s so much to learn and I’m excited to continue learning. I am planning to major in Neuroscience or Psychology next year. After that I will be hopefully going to Medical School or advancing my career in a different area of medicine.
The Wrangler: What do you like about medicine?
Isiguzo: I love serving people and volunteering in my community. A lot of people don’t realize how much of a role service plays into healthcare. I also love learning about the body and how it works. It’s so fascinating learning about how the brain works, how the blood circulates throughout the body, how pathogens affect the body, how drugs affect the body; all of it is so amazing to learn about. The medical community still hasn’t discovered everything.
The Wrangler: What is the relationship with your classmates, being that the class is so small?
Isiguzo: I honestly love it. We’re like a big family. We’ve all bonded, especially since we all had the same class last year. We talk about our lives and we all genuinely want the best for everyone. I’m honored to be President of this class because I know all of my classmates will go on to do big things. I wish them all the best with their future careers and I definitely will be sad when we all graduate. It will be a bittersweet moment.
The Wrangler: What would you tell someone who wants to take this class?
Isiguzo: If you’re considering taking this course, you need to be dedicated and truly passionate about what you do. Through this class, I’ve learned so much in just the short time I’ve been in it. Be prepared to do a lot more work than what you expected, but know it is truly a rewarding feeling to know that you’re learning something that can help you advance in not just your future career but in life. You will grow so much as person and with your class. I wish you the best in the application process. Good luck.