Howdie Leo Diaz!
Leo Diaz is one of the many welders that are enrolled in the Agriculture class.
Leo Diaz is welding 2 pipes together for his project.
November 18, 2019
Wrangler: What got you first interested in welding?
Diaz: I first encountered welding on a YouTube video and I thought it would be a fun hobby to take up.
Wrangler: Is there anyone who inspired you to be a welder?
Diaz: I remember the first video and it was This Old Tony from YouTube.
Wrangler: How long have you been enrolled in a welding class?
Diaz: I have been enrolled in a welding class since I was in the 8th grade.
Wrangler: Is welding something you want to keep doing as a career?
Diaz: I have thought about it before, but I have never really decided on if I just want keep it as a side job or just a hobby.
Wrangler: What college are you planning on attending for welding?
Diaz: I remember when the Tulsa recruiter came to the school. I was interested in the school, so I am planning to go there.
Wrangler: What projects have you completed so far?
Diaz: This year I have completed two different projects: bees and the other was hearts made out of horseshoes.
Wrangler: What has been your favorite project?
Diaz: I really liked the horseshoe hearts because they’re really easy to make.
Wrangler: Is there any project that you are hoping to start?
Diaz: I am planning on making a flag pole holder for my truck.
Wrangler: What type of welder do you want to be when you graduate?
Diaz: I want to become a hobbyist, but if I were to go into the field, I would become an underwater welder
Wrangler: Are there any goals that you have set for yourself and have you achieved them?
Diaz: I wanted to learn how to weld aluminum as well as other specialty metals.