Howdie Kalen Logan!
Kalen Logan is a junior in the marching band. Get a feel of what it’s like to be in band in this exclusive interview.
Kalen Logan
April 15, 2019
The Wrangler: How long have you been in band?
Logan: I’ve been in band for 6 years, going on 7.
The Wrangler: Why did you decide to join band?
Logan: I’ve always had a love for music, and when the GRHS band came to my elementary school I thought it was really cool what they did and decided I wanted to be a part of it.
The Wrangler: What instrument do you play?
Logan: I play the flute.
The Wrangler: What do you enjoy most about band?
Logan: I enjoy the memories that I have from band. Most of my favorite memories are from the events and the people.
The Wrangler: What are some difficulties in band?
Logan: It takes up a lot of time, effort and focus. You can’t just show up to class and sit there you actually have to practice and prepare for the next event .
The Wrangler: What would you tell an incoming freshman that wants to join the HS band?
Logan: It is very fun; you’ll make a lot of very close friends. It will be tough, but in the end it will be worth all the time and effort you put into it and it will get better and better every year.
The Wrangler: Do you plan on doing band in college?
Logan: No, I don’t plan on doing marching band, but I would love to be able to play in a small group.
The Wrangler: What has band thought you in the teamwork?
Logan: It has taught me that there are many different people wanting to achieve the same goals as you but in a different way and it has made me come to appreciate that we are all different but the same in certain aspects.
The Wrangler: What is a band memory that you will cherish forever?
Logan: There is so many, but one I will cherish forever would be the people. The people are the band.
The Wrangler: How do you balance band, school, work and personal things outside of school?
Logan: Time lance, it’s something new I started. Don’t put too much on your plate and only make plans that you can actually commit to.