Howdie Angela Gonzales!

Angela Gonzales is an AP student at George Ranch High School who is currently enrolled in band as well.

GRHS marching band parent volunteer

Angela Gonzales performing the marching show on clarinet.

By Ashley Wandling, Staff writer

The Wrangler: What is it like being in band and Pre-AP/AP classes?

Gonzales: It’s not as difficult as some would think. I just have to manage my time wisely and not procrastinate, but I am committed to doing both for the better of my education.

The Wrangler: How do you balance them both?

Gonzales: I balance them by not doing things other than homework and not practicing as often as I used to.

The Wrangler: In what way has balancing band and AP courses been difficult?

Gonzales: It has been somewhat difficult because in the fall we had long rehearsals, which meant I had less time to relax at home and had to stay up later to finish all my work, but I got used to it eventually.

The Wrangler: What skills have you learned to manage your time for AP courses?

Gonzales: I learned that time management is very important and not procrastinating is key because otherwise you’ll be a stressful mess and break down.

The Wrangler: What do you do when you know you won’t have much time to do your homework?

Gonzales: I make time in whatever way possible whether it means doing homework until the early hours of the morning or during lunch and advisory. Incomplete work is not an option for me.

The Wrangler: How do you manage your time between AP homework and homework for other classes?

Gonzales: I manage them by deciding what I need to do because of the different due dates and what takes me the longest and plan accordingly.

The Wrangler: What would you say is the most difficult part about an AP class?

The most difficult part is the commitment, because if you’re not committed then you’ll be behind; you have to do things on time and ask questions if needed in order to be successful.

The Wrangler: What advice would you have for people who are unsure if they should take AP or not?

Gonzales: I say try it out because it can’t hurt you. Just be committed to pushing forward because new challenges always come your way, plus you won’t regret it in the future because it saves money for college and prepares you for the hard reality that is college classes.

The Wrangler: Do you have anything else to add about taking AP courses?

Gonzales: Taking an AP class is worth it because of the money you’ll save and the knowledge you learn. I recommend it to all, but just be willing to put in the work.