Stormy Friday Nights
Stay home to avoid the heavy rain and high winds expected through Friday night into Saturday morning
December 6, 2018
The National Weather Service has released a flash flood warning for Friday afternoon through Saturday morning since the episode of heavy rainfall could result in isolated floods along roadways. The Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office has released a warning to stay off the roads to help the local law enforcement, so they aren’t overwhelmed with calls. Here are a few tips to stay safe while you ride out the storm.
Tip #1: Do your grocery shopping now, so you have plenty of options for meals and aren’t tempted to leave the house to get food
Tip#2: Secure all outdoor furniture, so there is no chance of it damaging the house
Tip#3: Prepare an emergency survival kit to be prepared for the worst case scenario
Tip#4: Make a family communications plan in case you get separated
Tip#5: Clean gutters, downspouts, and drains to prevent potential damage to your roof
Tip#6: Secure multiple sources of light that don’t need to be charged electronically.
Tip#7: Charge all electronics in case your power goes out during the storm
Tip#8: Frequently check the National Weather Service to get updates on the weather and be informed