The Next Step Towards 5G
What will result from the merger of Sprint and T-Mobile.
Old T-Mobile store to signify that times are changing
May 10, 2018
Sprint and T-Mobile have merged to become essentially one. While keeping the name of T-Mobile, as per their website they will be creating tens of thousands of jobs and as per their website, “Sparking the 5G Economy”.
The slow movement towards a faster network across the nation has been in the making for the past couple of years. These mobile carriers, internet service providers, etc. really all of the market involving data in general looks to capitalize on the ever-growing reliance we have on technology.
The new T-Mobile claims that while Verizon and AT&T dwarf them in power, wealth, and scope the two powerhouses of the mainstay mobile market just can’t seem to accomplish the task of creating a 5G network. This isn’t true of course, and if T-Mobile does successfully implement their 5G network the result will most likely be handicapped immediately. The temporary rise to power will only last a short while and until the big boys (AT&T and Verizon respectively) see that there is an interest in a faster network.
It is possible that if this works in the new T-Mobile’s favor that they control a larger part of the market for the better half of a decade before the other carriers get set up with their own networks to simply snuff out what was this “spark” they have been pushing. The idea isn’t necessarily far-fetched, just that it seems unlikely that they will be able to turn the market in their favor unless they are also promising insane deals that would bring consumers over in a massive switch.
This could start a tech war that only benefits the consumer. We constantly see the ever-changing deals that try to persuade consumers to partake in their company but an all-out network switch this time perhaps could drastically change the playing field and drop prices more than we could ever hope for. There isn’t much reason to get hopeful for an all-out war of attrition as I want to describe, but it would be interesting nevertheless. The coming years in the mobile market could prove fruitful.