The World’s Most Famous Conductor
Facts on the infamous Harriet Tubman.
According to the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, Black History Month dates back to 1915. Carter G. Woodson, founder of the ASALH and Black History Month, chose the month of February for the observance because it includes the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Tommy Brown/Released)
February 17, 2018
By now, nearly every American has heard the story of Harriet Tubman, the famous conductor of the Underground Railroad during the Civil War era. She alone, saved over 300 slaves.
However, there are some interesting things that not everyone knows about one of Americas favorite heroes. First off, Harriet Tubman was born with the name Armanita Ross. She changed her first name to Harriet after her mother, and she took on the last name of her husband John Tubman.
Futhermore, Tubman wasn’t just an abolitionist, she was also a woman’s rights activist, and worked with many other well known names such as Susan B. Anthony. Lastly, Tubman earned the nickname “Moses” after the Bible who led his people to freedom and out of slavery. Harriet Tubman was more than an abolitionist, she was and always will be a hero.