Senior Graduation

May 23, 2017
“It’s supposed to be easy,” is what your friends tell you. Lie. Many tests are taken, tests to get into college, like the TSI, are designed to prepare you for college. Throughout my senior year, I realized that those lies told to you were not only lies, but a complete misinterpretation of senior year. The stress levels are at an all time high, dealing with which college to go to, or for some wondering if they’ll even graduate. If you blow off your senior year, you risk a chance in not graduating.
Your peer pressuring pessimistic friends, are trying to find a way for them to graduate, as prudent as you are, even you come under fire with pressure, from teachers, collages, and family. Ironically, the “best” moment in your high school career has a difficult path leading up to it. As a graduating student, I know now that I should have focused in the first few years of high school.
When it comes to the special day, students have a particular fear that may occur. The fear of falling on stage (knock on wood) in front of thousands of others who are watching you. For advice, walk one step at a time, and smile.
Graduation can be a memorable moment, and should be taken seriously. It is one of the most important moments in high school, and most heartfelt as you watch seniors move on with their lives.