Howdie Jalen Archer!
Jalen Archer
September 11, 2016
Jalen Archer is a sophomore. Archer plays the saxophone for the Wind Symphony. He’s in the alto saxophones section. Archer enjoys the memories he makes and the life lessons he learns from taking band.
The Wrangler: How long have you been playing an instrument?
Jalen Archer: I’ve been playing an instrument since the 5th grade.
The Wrangler: Why did you choice the saxophone?
Jalen Archer: I chose the saxophone because I like how it sounds and the people I meet through it.
The Wrangler: How did you know you wanted to play an instrument?
Jalen Archer: I knew I wanted to play an instrument when the fifth and sixth graders came to play at my school when I was in the fourth grade.
The Wrangler: How much time to you put into practicing your saxophone?
Jalen Archer: Everyday during, before, and after school. At home, about 4 hours a week.
The Wrangler: What was the first tune that you learned?
Jalen Archer: Mary Had a Little Lamb or Hot Cross Buns maybe? Don’t completely remember.
The Wrangler: Have you been in competitions?
Jalen Archer: I’ve been in several competitions in both marching and contest band. Like region band, UIL, sight-reading contests and marching contests.
The Wrangler: Do you get nervous before a performance?
Jalen Archer: Depends on the performance. At a football game I’m completely fine, but at a marching competition or at UIL I start shaking from nervousness its bad.
The Wrangler: Do you want to play an instrument when you get out of high school?
Jalen Archer: As for right now, I do not want to play an instrument but I might change my mind in the future.