Howdie Hayden Waldschmidt!
May 13, 2016
Hayden Waldschmidt is a senior here at George Ranch, The Wrangler got a chance to sit down and see what it’s like to be apart of the Longhorn family.
The Wrangler: Are you involved in any GR clubs?
Waldschmidt: I’ve been apart of the George Ranch XC team for 4 years, and I was in a leadership role for 3 of those.
The Wrangler: Has attending GR been a pleasant experience?
Waldschmidt: It has been for making friends and getting me ready for college.
The Wrangler: What has been your favorite part about GR?
Waldschmidt: Probably how everyone is a family at this school.
The Wrangler: What class to you has been the most interesting?
Waldschmidt: Engineering
The Wrangler: Does that interest you in a career?
Waldschmidt: Yes it does
The Wrangler: What college do you plan on attending and what are you going to major in?
Waldschmidt: U of H or UTSA, and Mechanical Engineering
The Wrangler: What would be your ideal job resulting from that major?
Waldschmidt: Just to work for a big company and make money
The Wrangler: What preparation would you need to get that job?
Waldschmidt: Hopefully obtaining an internship my second year of college from a company