The Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard
The Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard keeps readers on the edge of their seats.
July 26, 2016
After I finished The Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, I was dying to get my hands on the sequel, The Glass Sword.
This book starts off exactly where The Red Queen leaves off: Mare and Cal have escaped the Bowl of Bones and they are headed to who knows where with Farley, Kilron, Mare’s brother Shade, and other scarlet guard members. As Mare and Cal finally get away from Maven and his army, he simply laughs at them saying that he will find them.
Once they get to the scarlet guard base in Tuck, Mare realizes that people are coming to see her, and these newbloods, as dangerous. The colonel has Mare and Cal locked up in a cell of silent stone to keep them away from causing trouble. So Shade, Kilron, and Farley help them out and escape off of the island. The five of them go off, with Julian’s list, to hunt down the newbloods before Maven can get to them.
This becomes Mare’s job for the next month or so: find the newbloods, bring them to their hidden camp, and help teach them how to control their abilities.
As one might think, not every operation goes smoothly. Sometimes they don’t get there in time, other times they run into trouble with people they meet. Some people might not be willing to go with the two most wanted people in the country, or even a silver royal in general.
While this book doesn’t exactly focus on the little romance that the first book set up, there was still enough of it to keep the romance flowing. The reader is attracted to the tension between Cal and Mare and Mare continuing to miss the person she thought Maven was.
This book is the perfect continuation of The Red Queen and is full of action and adventure that makes you not want to put the book down. The only thing that frustrates me about the series is the fact that there is no third book released, at leas yet. Furthermore, this book does not have a content ending. Imagine The Hunger Games: Catching Fire ending times 1,000, and that just about sums up the emotions I had at the end of The Glass Sword.
I recommend that anyone who read The Red Queen needs to read The Glass Sword, just be warned that emotions will run high and the possibility of crying is 100%.