CU @ C2!
October 16, 2015
“What’s C2?” is a question that frequents my conversations when my clumsiness warrants the contents of my backpack spilling out and all of my C2 cards falling onto the questionable ground for people to glance at and criticize.
Then comes the awkward and quick explanation of my leadership in C2 and what exactly it is about. With my “worthwhile skills of explanation” and tentative asking of “Would you like to come to C2?”, peoples’ polite rejection to my invitation is only expected. I simply cannot convey what C2 is in a mere matter of two minutes or less, which is exactly why I’m writing about what C2 is, does, and how it impacts students who go and do not go to George Ranch.
C2 stands for Connect to Christ. Created in 2006, it was implemented in Oklahoma by Walt and Todd Roberts, who had designed an evangelistic program which was originally called FISH (Fellowship, Inspire, Share, and Hook) club. FISH Club later turned into C2. Originally, it was designed to be held in schools, but as it became more difficult to use school facilities, Richie Fisher,Pastor of Sugar Creek Baptist Church Student Ministries, decided to try the FISH program through houses and not schools.
In 2006, Sugar Creek Baptist Church launched the first C2 in Texas, the goal of the program was to reach out to students that did not have a relationship with Christ. They [Sugar Creek] moved it away from the school to homes and then it was concentrated more on trying to start them in each school. Since the first C2 in 2006, the amount of C2’s has grown to around 12 C2’s, and by January of this year their should be 15 C2s running from Bellaire to Foster High School. Currently George Ranch is the only school that has two C2s, with one location in Greatwood and one in Bridlewood, both on Tuesday nights.
Sugar Creek’s C2 director Butch Booth has expressed his gratitude and vision for C2 by stating that “my vision is to try and have a C2 in every school in Fort Bend and then grow them in order to start two C2’s in each school.” The main purpose of C2 to Booth is that “we find organizations with students from different schools and go in and build a C2 model and then develop the leadership in that group to launch a school C2!”
Within the nine years that C2 has been striving and thriving, there is a week-by-week schedule on how it operates which is the FISH cycle. Fellowship, Inspire, Share, and Hook:
Fellowship: Basically a fun night to eat food, play games, and enjoy the company of fellow students.
Inspire: A guest speaker comes to a C2 house to enrich the mind of young students through stories and personal experiences, inspiring them in turn.
Share: A night when you can say whatever is on your mind whenever or wherever, without judgement or ridicule. It is a safe place to share how much you feel comfortable with sharing and listening to others open a page into their book of life. #sharingiscaring
Hook: The biggest C2 night of all is when you can invite your friends to come and hang out and hear another guest speaker captivate them.
C2 is a magical place, a special world where it is perfectly normal to barge into some stranger’s house with your friends, eat their food, and play games with other random strangers in order to win prizes. A world where it does not matter what religion you are, where you come from, or even if you are a student at George Ranch! What matters is that you came, you decided to pass the George Ranch C2 sign, ring the doorbell, and enter this magical world.
Even after this explanation of what C2 is people will still ask “Why should I even be in C2?”, maybe the words of Rachel Tucker: a junior at George Ranch and hostess/leader of the Greatwood C2, can convince you, “I became a leader when West [Blazek, fellow leader] had asked me about it. We both thought that it would be a great way to reach students at our school, create closer relationships, and to let people know that we’re always there for support.”
Follow GRHS C2 on Twitter!: Greatwood C2– @GrhsC2greatwood
Bridlewood C2: @GRHSc2
Remind 101: Greatwood C2 Remind: Text @gwc2
Bridlewood C2 Remind: Text @grhsc2 to 81010
Locations: Greatwood C2: 1418 Shady Bend Drive Sugar Land, TX 77479
Bridlewood C2: 7534 Misty Meadow Court Richmond,TX 77469
Times: Bridlewood runs from 6:30-8:00 and Greatwood runs from 7:00-8:30 on Tuesday nights, simply come to the one more convenient for you!