Four gifts that’ll spoil the special lady in your life
Ashraf Saleh (Creative Commons - flickr)
A special something for that special someone.
May 27, 2015
Maybe you missed getting the special gift for Mother’s day, or your forgot the birthday of a special female friend, or maybe you just want to treat yourself — The Wrangler is here to help you select a handful of surefire gifts that’ll last all year round.
1. A Handmade Something
And no, I’m not talking about a card you made the morning of. I’m talking something much craftier (and with more pizzazz) than that, like a collage of pictures of your favorite moments together or a mug you painted (or even made!) in a class, made especially for her. Either way, it should be something into which you truly put a lot of heart and thought.
2. Skincare Products
Lots of women love to take care of their skin and are wanting to do that something extra, but would never treat themselves. You can help them out. Maybe a couple of clay masks and a few night creams will do the trick — or you can go the extra mile and customize it to her personality. For example, I bought my mom skincare products that were also forms of things she loves, one of which is a red wine face mask.
First Aid Beauty Skin Rescue Purifying Mask with Red Clay, $30, available at Sephora; Tony Moly I’m Real – Red Wine Face Mask Sheet, $7.50, available at Sephora; Origins Energy Boosting Bests Set, $39.50, available at Sephora
3. A Little TLC Kit
Yes, this could be little of everything, but mainly in one category. Bring together several different things that you know would help your person unwind from the stresses of life. This could be a box of her favorite tea, a sleeping mask, perhaps a candle or some of the aforementioned skincare products — you know, anything to pamper the most important woman in your life.
Adagio Watson Blend by Cara McGee, $10-$19, available at; NEST Japanese Black Currant Scented Candle, $38, available at Sephora
4. Jewelry
Like they say, diamonds are a girl’s best friend. But in this case, it doesn’t have to be diamonds. You can go for a simple monogrammed necklace with her name (or anything meaningful!) on it, or a bracelet with a stone of her favorite color. A little something to compliment her, but nothing that will ever compete with or come close to outshining her natural beauty.