Unemployed and Weary
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Are you looking for a job?
May 5, 2015
Looking for a job? Trying to leave your current one? Afraid to make the same mistake twice? Will there ever be a call back? This is pretty common questions at some point in the love-hate relationship of having a job. Being taught beggars can’t be choosers when job hunting, you might not hear this often (or you have), but actually you do have a choice. If you’re truly desperate you’re not discounted. It’s actually important to take in what, where, and who you might be working at or not but its in for good measure. Here are tips and things I’ve learned while searching for a job and having one.
1. First impression of the restaurant on you.
What does it say to you? Does it look well kept or is it falling apart? Don’t be afraid to take in the atmosphere. This is important because depending on what role you choose or they choose for you, you are more than likely going to be cleaning this place up. Be a bit analytical!
2. Workers will become Co-workers.
So keep that in mind when they first speak to you. If you choose to ask for an application watch how they respond or act towards you. Listen closely to what kind of person they are and if they give you bad service or are rude, etc., then maybe look at a different store location or another place all together.
3. Most applications are online.
This means you probably wont even know what the store will look like. The best thing to do is go visit it and ask if they’ve received your application. This shows you can follow up and allows you to get an idea of where and who you might be working with.
4. The call back
Say you get a call back from one of the stores you’ve applied from, hooray! However if you’re not sure if it’s a call back from one store or the other try to look up the number. If you find it to a store you applied to then you’re on your way to a possible new job.
5. Interview: description of you and them.
The interview is of course the next part of getting a job and probably the most important piece. However after describing yourself and if they look as if they want you– listen to the details. Key words are Training, Wage, Hours, and Payment. Training is how they’ll start you off and your wage should be at least minimum. Minimum was is $7.25/hour, unless you are working at a tipped job where the minimum wage is $2.13/hr. You get a lower base rate when you receive tips, as the tips are supposed to make up the difference.
Hours for students in high school varies based on age. Texas labor laws restricts the hours of work for 14-15 year old, while 16-17 year olds can work as many hours as they choose and do not have restrictions on what hours they can start and end work. People 16 and under cannot work more than 8 hours a day, and while school is in session, they cannot start work before 5 a.m. or work past 10 p.m. if they have school the next day. For more information on this check Labor laws for teens. Know your rights with regards to wages and hours of work. One last thing to be aware of is that you need to fill in payroll paperwork which is filled with the IRS. If they promised you money and give you less than what you are promised, walk away.
6. The job as a whole.
Not everyone is going to enjoy their job, it’s called work for a reason. Yet if the job overall is not a good experience or you feel as if you’re not a good fit or if you’re facing harassment or bulling, etc. you may want to consider looking for something new. The best thing you can do is put in your two weeks notice and start the cycle all over again. However, with the gathering experiences, try and search for a place that is nicer and is much more willing to provide you better working conditions than your last job. Make sure you follow the suggestions above and good luck.
7. Choose who you want to use as a recommendation.
Sometimes this isn’t really an option to choose who you want as your recommender, but the best ones will be the ones you’ve spent the most time with or the ones that personally like you as a whole. They will make your next job being a bit closer to achievable.
Over all, keep trying. Jobs are interchangeable and there may not be a perfect, but you will find one that is a suitable fit. Hopefully these tips will be helpful to those who are needing some guidance on job hunting.