Nepal Earthquake
Natalie Hawwa (courtesty of USAID)
Two women walking past a destroyed building in Bhaktapur, Nepal.
April 29, 2015
On Saturday April 25th a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the country of Nepal. The earthquake could be felt from Pakistan, Tibet and Bangladesh and the aftershocks of the earthquake registered at 6.7 magnitude at it’s highest. The earthquake was felt on Mount Everest, causing an avalanche that killed 18 people.
More than 3,300 deaths have been confirmed from the initial quake and hundreds of people were trapped due to the multiple collapses of buildings- the Dharahara Tower being one of them- and more than 6,500 people have been injured.
According to reports from USA Today, the earthquake was 22 times more powerful than the one that devastated Haiti in 2010, the quake’s power increasing 10 times for each number it goes up in scale.
BBC reports that those close to the mountain sides have recieved the most damage, a village of more than 1,000 houses being completely destroyed. This is due to rockfalls that occur from the quake. They also report that hospital patients have been moved outside and that helicopters are still removing climbers from Mount Everest.
Relief for the country has been sent, with multiple countries sending supplies and aid. Organizations such as Red Cross, Oxfam, CARE, and Save the Children have been working to provide shelter, food and drinking water for those affected. If you would like to help with relief efforts you can contribute to the many groups who are helping.
For more information on the earthquake check out the fact sheets on USAID.